

I have always been fascinated by space. I can completely lose my mind in a starry night sky . It’s both absolutely amazing and truly terrifying at the same time, and I enjoy the feeling of not being able to wrap my head around how vast it really is. Eventually I had to pick up Einstein’s book on the Theory of Relativity to at least try to gain some knowledge on the subject. After reading through the whole thing (and surprisingly, understanding a good part of it (Albert is really good at explaining)), I challenged myself to visualise some of the aspects of his theory. The result is an artistic exploration made up of some balls and lines using Cinema 4D and Photoshop, covering both The Special and The General Theory of Relativity.

Gravity: Massive objects cause a curvature in the spacetime continuum (front view)
Gravity (side view)
Time dilation: The faster something moves, the slower time passes (front view)
Time dilation (side view)
Lightwaves: Massive objects pull on lightwaves and make the light shift (front view)
Lightwaves (top view)
Speed: Objects in high speed contract in length (front view)
Speed (top view)
Movement: What seems to be in motion from one point of view, is perfectly still from another (front view)
Movement (top view)
Mass: Objects fall equally fast through a vacuum regardless of the mass (front view)
Mass (side view)

Next project

The Cloud People
